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Twitter Campaigns

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Best Twitter Marketing Services in Delhi India

Get your message across on the most popular chirping platform with smartly designed Twitter ad campaigns. Twitter Ads campaigns help you reach your marketing goals - whether that's building awareness, driving consideration, or delivering conversions.

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Things Included in Our Twitter Marketing Services

Top Twitter Marketing & Advertising FAQs

  • What are Twitter Ads?

    Twitter ads are the promoted content appeared as "Promoted" Ads / Followers Ads on Twitter timeline and have managed through Twitter Advertising platform.

  • Why should we use Twitter for advertising?

    As Twitter is one of best platform for making fast interactions on any trending topic on the web. Hence, making it a useful platform for any brand to improve their awareness, launch new products and even get more inquiries on their services.

  • What campaign types are available on Twitter?

    Based on the different objectives, we have 8 types of Ad types available on Twitter Advertising. These are: reach, video views, pre-roll views, app installs, website traffic, engagement, followers, and app-re-engagements.

  • How much should we spend on Twitter advertising?

    There is no minimum spend required for Twitter Ads, and you always have complete control over how much you want your campaigns to spend. Talk our Social media experts to plan your budgets for Twitter Ads. Click here > Contact us.